
  • I Made Saka Wijaya Postgraduated Student Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
  • Budi Setiadi Daryono Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
  • Purnomo Purnomo Laboratory of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia



ecotype, Orchidaceae, phenetic, plasticity, Thelymitra javanica


I Made Saka Wijaya, Budi Setiadi Daryono & Purnomo. 2018. Variasi Morfologi Anggrek Tanah Thelymitra javanica Blume (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae) di G. Arjuno, G. Lawu dan G. Sumbing, Jawa-Indonesia. Floribunda 6(1): 22–31. — Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui variasi morfologi dan kekerabatan fenetik dari T. javanica dari ketiga gunung tersebut. Tiga belas sampel dikoleksi dari sepanjang jalur pendakian. Pengamatan morfologi dilakukan terhadap organ akar, umbi, daun, tangkai perbungaan, braktea, bunga, buah dan biji. Dendrogram dibangun dengan metoda kluster UPGMA dengan algoritma “Percent’s Similarity”. Sedangkan analisis PCA dilakukan dengan algoritma “Euclidean Distance” menggunakan perangkat lunak MVSP v.3.1. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa variasi morfologi jenis T. javanica tergolong plastis dalam hal ukuran dan warna, terutama warna tangkai perbungaan, mahkota, labelum, ovarium dan rangka ovarium, yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan populasi atau ekotipe.Kata kunci: Ekotipe, Orchidaceae, fenetik, plastisitas, Thelymitra javanica. I Made Saka Wijaya, Budi Setiadi Daryono & Purnomo. 2018. Morphological Variations of Terrestrial Orchid Thelymitra javanica Blume (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae) in Mount Arjuno, Lawu, and Sumbing, Java- Indonesia. Floribunda 6(1): 22–31. — The aims of this study were to observe morphological variations and phenetic relationships of T. javanica from the three mountains. Thirteen samples were colected along the tracking routes, morphological observation was based on character of root, tuber, leaf, peduncle, floral bract, flower, fruit, and seed. The data were compile descriptively to identify variations that subsequently scored. Dendrogram were constructed by UPGMA clastering method with Percent’s Similarity algorithm, while Principal Component Analysis was done with Euclidean Distance algorithm using MVSP v.3.1. software. The result shows that morphological variations of T. javanica is found to be plastis for size and color, especially color of peduncle, petals, labellum, ovary, and ovary ribs that can be used to separate distinct population or ecotype.Keywords: Ecotype, Orchidaceae, phenetic, plasticity, Thelymitra javanica 


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