
  • Nina Ratna Djuita Bogor Agricultural University
  • Alex Hartana Bogor Agricultural University
  • Tatik Chikmawati Bogor Agricultural University
  • Dorly Dorly Bogor Agricultural University




Kapulasan, karakter morfologi, dendrogram, Sapindaceae


Nina Ratna Djuita, Alex Hartana, Tatik Chikmawati & Dorly. 2016. Distribution of pulasan [Nephelium  ramboutan-ake (Labill.) Leenh] in Java and Relationship of Their Morphology. Floribunda 5(4): 129–138. — Distribution of pulasan in Java is not known yet. The purposes of this study were to provide information about the locations of pulasan trees in Java, and to analyze relationship of this species based on morphological characters. Pulasan exploration was carried out in four provinces in Java encompassed West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta Special Region. Morphological characteristics of pulasan were observed, then the relationships were analyze using NTSys pc 2.02 program.  Result showed that most of pulasan located in West Java, especially in the area of Bogor.  Based on the dendrogram, it was known that the use of ve-getative dan generative characters could distinguish males and hermaphrodite pulasan trees, while the use of vegetative characters only, could not differentiate the type of pulasan trees. Pulasan trees from different areas can be grouped in the same cluster because of the similarity of their morphological traits.Keywords: Kapulasan, morphological characters, dendrogram, Sapindaceae. Nina Ratna Djuita, Alex Hartana, Tatik Chikmawati & Dorly. 2016. Distribusi Kapulasan [Nephelium ramboutan-ake (Labill.) Leenh.] di Pulau Jawa dan Hubungan Kekerabatan Morfologinya. Floribunda 5(4): 129–138. — Persebaran kapulasan di Pulau Jawa belum diketahui dengan pasti.  Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan informasi tentang lokasi-lokasi yang masih mempunyai pohon kapulasan di Pulau Jawa, dan menganalisis hubungan kekerabatannya berdasarkan ciri morfologi. Eksplorasi kapulasan dilakukan di empat provinsi di Pulau Jawa yaitu Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Tanaman hasil eksplorasi diamati ciri morfologinya, kemudian dianalisis hubungan kekerabatannya dengan menggunakan program NTSys pc 2.02.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar kapulasan terdapat di Jawa Barat terutama di daerah Bogor. Berdasarkan dendrogram yang dihasilkan, diketahui bahwa penggunaan ciri  vegetatif dan generatif dapat membedakan kapulasan jantan dan hermafrodit, sedangkan penggunaan ciri  vegetatif saja, tidak dapat membedakan kedua tipe tanaman tersebut. Tanaman kapulasan dari daerah yang berbeda dapat mengelompok dalam satu grup yang sama karena adanya keserupaan dalam ciri-ciri morfologinya.Kata kunci: Kapulasan, karakter morfologi, dendrogram, Sapindaceae. 


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